About the Commission for Standards in Public Life 

Created by section 117 the Cayman Islands Constitution Order 2009 (“the Constitution”), the Commission for Standards in Public Life (“the Commission”) is an independent body enshrined in the Constitution to enhance democracy in the Cayman Islands and ensure that there is sufficient oversight of the public sector.

The Commission’s overarching powers are  ingrained in the Standards in Public Life Act, 2021 (“the Act”), and the Standards in Public Life Regulations, 2020.

The Commission was a member of the Executive Commitee of the Commonwealth Caribbean Association of Integrity Commissions and Anti-Corruption Bodies (CCAICACB) for 2017/2018. For more information on the CCAICACB click here.

Appointment of Commission Members

In the exercise of its powers and performance of its functions under the Act and the Constitution the Commission is not subject to the direction or control of any other person or authority. Moreover, the Act provides for the Commission to have the same powers as the Grand Court to summon witnesses, and require the production of reports, documents and other relevant information.

Appointed by Her Excellency the Governor, acting after consultation with the Premier and the Leader of the Opposition, the Commission consists of a Chairman and not less than two nor more than four other members. Members are people of the highest integrity with knowledge of practice in the private or public sector. At least one member is a chartered or certified accountant and at least one is a legal practitioner; both of whom have at least ten years’ experience.

Persons cannot be appointed to the Commission if they:

  • are a member of the Parliament;
  • hold, or have at any time during the preceding three years held, a public office;
  • have at any time during the preceding five years held office in a political party; or
  • are not a Caymanian.

Offices can become vacant in five ways:

  • at the expiration of four years from the date of his or her appointment;
  • if the member is absent from three consecutive meetings of the Commission, unless the absence is approved by the Governor;
  • if the member resigns in writing to the Governor;
  • if the member is removed from office by the Governor for inability to discharge the functions of his office; or
  • if the member with his or her consent is nominated for election to Parliament or is appointed to any public office.
Functions of the Commission

As prescribed in section 117 of the Constitution and section 5 (1) of the Standards in Public Life Act, the functions of the CSPL are -

  • to assist in the setting of the highest standards of integrity and competence in public life in order to ensure the prevention of corruption or conflicts of interest;
  • to monitor standards of ethical conduct in Parliament, the Cabinet, and on the part of public authorities and public officers;
  • to supervise the operation of the Register of Interests and to investigate breaches of established standards;
  • to review and establish procedures for awarding public contracts;
  • to review and establish procedures for appointing members to public authorities, and the terms of their appointment;
  • to recommend codes of conduct to prevent any Minister, public authority or public officer employing their power for any personal benefit or advantage, and to recommend legislation to provide appropriate sanctions;
  • to report to the Parliament at regular intervals, and at least every six months; and
  • to exercise such other functions as may be prescribed by this or any other law enacted by the Legislature.

Expressions of Interest for Appointment

Invitations for expressions of interest will be publicised as necessary by the Governor's Office.  Prospective candidates interested in being considered for an appointment to the Commission must complete the Expressions of Interest Appointment form below, and provide an up-to-date resume or curriculum vitae. Submissions can be done in person, or email to:

Manager, Commissions Secretariat, 4th Floor George Town Financial Center, 90 Fort Street, PO Box 391, Grand Cayman KY1-1106, CAYMAN ISLANDS.  Email: commissionssecretariat@gov.ky

Latest News
  • 5 March 2020 - Declarations held in accordance with the Register of Interests Law, 1996 has officially been transferred to the Commission for Standards in Public Life.  Read the full CSPL Statement on Transfer of Declarations in Accordance with the Standards in Public Life Law, 2014.

  • 12 February 2020 - The Commission released a statement on the Premier’s announcement in the Legislative Assembly confirming the intention to bring the Standards in Public Life Law into force as of 1 March 2020.  Read the full CSPL Statement on the Premier's Announcement.

  • 6 December 2019 - The CSPL released a statement on International Anti-Corruption Day 2019.  Click here to read the full statement.

  • 24 September 2019 - His Excellency the Governor, Martyn Roper, OBE is pleased to announce various appointments to Commissions.  Read about the appointments in the press release.

  • 10 May 2017 - The Commission recently re-launched its website.  Click here to read about the website re-launch, as well as the other issues facing the Commission at this time.